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1 1 -1
Thu 2 0
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Mon 0 -2


The history of the Lavard brand dates back to 1975. At the foothills of the Tatra Mountains, out of love for tailoring, a sewing shop was established, the nucleus of the brand. Today, the next generation takes care of the company's development by nurturing family traditions. The brand's collections are created with comfort and the ability to combine products into interesting and modern styles in mind. We draw inspiration from our experience and traditions, but put them through the prism of what the fashion world is currently living.
The collections are dedicated to people looking for clothes for all occasions - for work, everyday, weekend and special events looking for relaxation in the space of the city but also outside in nature. The style of the collection is characterized by modernity - classics combined with creativity visible in cuts, details and finishing, as well as comfort combined with high quality fabrics and knitwear. These are timeless formal and smart casual proposals for women and men.




Designer Outlet Sosnowiec
Sklep P5
Orląt Lwowskich 138
41-208 Sosnowiec

+48 721160471

Dear Guests

Due to the national emergency of the coronavirus outbreak in Poland each store of the Designer Outlet Sosnowiec has to follow the officially prescribed instructions for retail from the 20th March 2020 of the Polish government.