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QUIKSILVER - Australian surfing brand created in 1969 as a manufacturer of boardshorts, e.g shorts for surfers. It produces surfing boards, clothes and footwear. The brand is not limited to surfing only: through years it has been active in the field of other extreme sports such as skateboarding and snowboarding. ROXY - it is a part of the QS company that produces female clothing. DC - a brand that produces clothing, shoes and accessories for skaters and snowboarders. It originates from the United States and is one of the most acclaimed brands in the field. The QUIKSILVER offer is aimed at everyone, especially those who like sports and follow newest trends in fashion. During the winter season, we focus on equipment and clothing for skiing and snowboarding. In summer, you will find a wide choice of swim products - many types of swimsuits, boardshorts, wet suits and other beach accessories. We have a great offer of Junior products.



Designer Outlet Sosnowiec
Sklep P36
Orląt Lwowskich 138
41-208 Sosnowiec

+48 32 296 50 83

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Due to the national emergency of the coronavirus outbreak in Poland each store of the Designer Outlet Sosnowiec has to follow the officially prescribed instructions for retail from the 20th March 2020 of the Polish government.