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Volcano - a brand with over 30 years of experience in the market in designing and creating casual clothes.

Feel comfort in all conditions

We design collections that are the essence of the casual style. Classic cut, universal patterns and attention to the quality of production and details make our clothes timeless. This is what distinguishes the Volcano brand - durability and versatility.

Wrap yourself in the texture of the material

Nature is in our DNA. That is why our clothes are made of soft, pleasant to the touch and natural fabrics. Thus ensuring maximum comfort and freedom and giving a sense of security, we need so much every day, wherever we are. In clothes, we try to combine style and functionality.

Respect what you love

At Volcano, we attach great importance to the protection of the environment and we respect nature. Volcano is casual clothing for women and men, designed with respect for the natural environment and in line with the idea of ​​sustainable fashion, using, among others, ecological raw materials in production.

We pay attention to the high quality of production and the selection of materials that allow you to maintain the high quality of clothes for longer.

The comfort of being yourself

We value the power of passion, the comfort of being yourself, regardless of age. We are for active people who value comfort, exercise and activity. At Volcano, we adapt to your lifestyle.


   Choose quality and comfort for years.



Designer Outlet Sosnowiec
Sklep P18
Orląt Lwowskich 138
41-208 Sosnowiec

+48 728 306 812